Success this summer comes from doing what you do best, with a little help from your friends. Truly this year “we complete each other”, consider collaborating to reach success quicker. My advice to you is to chose to partner, joint venture, or collaborate with the right person who thinks like you but has different talents. For instance, I can read the planets but I have a hard time with my computer, tablet, and phone. Luckily one of my teammates, Samantha, is a wiz at all these things. I write the words and she makes the magic happen on my website. The person that you join with should be a person you get along with and one that will always have your back and your heart goal should be the same. In most cases by collaborating both sides will proper. Your dreams and visions and/or goals are a gift to the world. We are all being called to a wider and bigger audience, our brain capacity seems to be maximizing and our spiritual-self accelerating. Certainly this will be a fast paced summer; you’ll keep your balance by organizing your house or home, setting boundaries with friends and family, and properly pacing yourself. When you are pacing yourself leave some time for unexpected events or company so that you don’t wind up rushing at the end of the day.
Most of us who are service oriented are wonderful at giving to others but have a hard time learning to receive. Start small in learning how to receive, but think big. Receive compliments, dinner out, love, and then build to sacred reciprocity. This is your time to shine and inspire. Quit hiding your light! Some of you may feel like your not ready to move out and let your light shine or it’s too early to expand your horizons, but the truth is we are to step out boldly with our accrued talents and we will learn more skills on our way to success and/or victory.
It will help to brag about yourself and remember earlier victories if you are a little hesitant about taking a bold step right now. Remember how truly talented you are! Get out of thinking about you and put other people first. There is a world out there of hungry people who will need your skills, message, teaching, and so on. The past four years have been tough on most people, so if your self esteem needs a little boosting you will be able to spark your imagination in amazing ways. Suppose yourself to success, vision your victories, and do like Mary K. Ashe said, “Fake it till you make it!”
2014 equals a 7 in Numerology and that means a victory year. 2014 is a year to reap your rewards for all the good we’ve done in the past. It can be an intense year if you let it. If you focus on your problems, allow yourself to be distracted, or even if you are lazy you’ll miss a big opportunity… EVERYBODY is going through something right now. Chose joy, happiness, positive affirmations, laughter, music, and dance, don’t let yourself be down because there are too many good opportunities right around the corner. Get clear about what you want, write your plan, and work your plan. Bulldog focus will be required because there will be a ton of interruptions and occasional emergencies that could distract you.
Another big clue about achieving success this summer is to put you as number one, you deserve the best. Eat right, exercise, and listen to your body signals. If you’re having a problem anywhere, use this summer to take care of that problem. You will feel a total lifting of your spirit and it won’t be hard to be happy about life, your victories and the unexpected opportunities this summer. The only way you can lose is by not believing in yourself, being depressed, overwhelmed, or fearful. You could miss the biggest opportunity of your life by being preoccupied with your past instead of welcoming the future.
Have a great summer, I look forward to seeing many of you again, and I’m ready to teach and to play again. If you are having a fun event, let me know about it, I love to join with other spiritual pioneers who are getting things done.